Frequent comments about gun violence and fact-based information to consider

Words have a lot of power. It is important we understand how to develop conversations safely and effectively. Gun violence prevention is a hot topic, and it’s easy for emotions to run high. This guide provides fact-based information to consider when you hear common statements about gun violence.

When you hear… Consider the following
Guns stop crime. Guns are involved in many crimes.
Guns are why America is still free. There are many countries where people are free but they have limited access to guns.
If you’re concerned about gun safety, take a safety class. Responsible gun owners handle their gun in a safer manner.
Having a gun at home helps protect my family. Having a gun at home increases the likelihood someone will be killed by a gun in the home.
Background checks and waiting periods infringe on my right to own a gun. Waiting periods and background checks reduce gun deaths, especially suicide deaths.
Guns are an inner-city problem. 72% of gun deaths in Wisconsin are suicide and they occur throughout the state.
The second amendment gives me the right to own an assault weapon. Assault weapons were developed for military use.
Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Guns make it easier to kill someone.
Keeping guns away from people with mental illness will eliminate most gun deaths. While people should not have access to a gun when they are in a time of crisis, most gun deaths are not perpetrated by people with mental illness.